Thursday, August 12, 2010


Before this post really gets posted, I have to apologize for the lack of new pups being posted on the blog, wedding season has me going full tilt right now and has been taking up much of my time! However, with the new studio opening, and fall coming around, be ready because I already have them scheduled and new pups will be showing up in the VERY near future!!! 

In the mean time, a post from that great book again.. You Are Dog - by: Terry Bain...

Leftovers -

You would never (because they told you not to) put your front paws on the chair so that you could reach the table. He Who Cannon Keep His Chair from Tipping Over During a Meal had left his plate at the table without finishing his hot dog and tater tots, but when they all returned to find the plate licked clean, they looked at you as if they suspected you of stealing........

Why They Suspected You -

Because you did it, that's why! You are incapable of deceit. They see it in your eyes. You slink away to lie near the sofa and await your persecution. When none comes, you sleep...